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Healthy Lifestyle

How to be healthy?

  • Health is a matter of great concern in today's life​.

  • Health is a state of total physical, mental and social well-being and does not include only illness or injury

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The definition of health has evolved over time. In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease

Healthy people give more great prominence to health promotion and preventive approaches and adds a substantive focus on the importance of addressing social determinants of health.

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Why do we have to be healthy?

  1. You will live longer​: The truth is that by eating healthy and taking care of your body will add up to your overall health and well-being. That will increase your life expectancy simply because your immune system will get better. You will suffer far less from sickness or colds and you will have much more energy to do the things you love

  2. You will look happier: By reducing stress, you will have much more happiness in your life. Being healthy from inside and looking amazing from outside, you will start seeing things from the brighter side. Feeling great about yourself from inside and outside is the key to living a more abundant, happy and confident life.

  3. You will become more confident When you start feeling good about your body, you become a much more confident person every time you look at yourself in the mirror. Maintaining a healthy and fit body can really boost your self-esteem and confidence. When you look good outside, you start feeling amazing inside too and that can be seen in all different areas of your life-at home, at your workplace and when you are out with friends. It is simply a great way of feeling confident and amazing at the same time about yourself.

  4. You will look younger a healthy lifestyle- will makes you look and feel much younger! You will be full of energy because nutritional diet, enough exercise and sleep. The truth is cutting out on bad food can clear your skin, reduce blemishes and spots and deliver a smoother and shinier skin.

That’s why-you need to have daily healthy habits if you want to maintain a fit body, have younger appearance, softer and shinier hair and glowing skin!

How can we be healthy?

Drink enough water : There are many benefits if you drink enough water. Water helps us to beautiful skin, helps to lose weight, and also helps us filter out harmful substances from the body,….. It is not good if you do not drink enough water for good health, right? Especially, in hot weather like summer, we have to drink enough water.

Eat vegetables : Vegetables are usually dishes that most people don’t like to eat. But why do not you think of the benefits of it? In vegetables there are many kinds of nutrients needed for your body. It can slow down the development of cancer, strengthen your vision, help you control your weight, and it also contains a variety of healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, fiber, dark green vegetables are usually the most nutritious foods such as broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, ...

Exercise daily: Exercise is the most magic medicine, the best for your body. If you drink plenty of tonic, it is not equal of one day for exercise. Exercise is a form of physical activity that helps the body to eliminate toxins by sweating, can make the skin more beautiful, reduce stress and also make the body more toned.. Everyone can do exercise including the elderly.

Take a good sleep at night: If you had a very tired day, the best solution for you now is to go to sleep. Sleep will help you get rid of stress and fatigue, if you can not get them out of your head then you should think about the good things, make your room darker and maybe you should take your phone away from you. Sleep has a great role for the body, it helps our body, the parts of our body relax so that the next day, we can get out of bed with a comfortable moods to start the day.

Live optimistically: Your health will never improve if you keep thinking and working in the negative direction. So be optimistic, just because you can enjoy life completely, do not put everything on you, leave it as natural as possible.

Lastly, we all need to be healthy

  1. Taking care of our health helps us to avoid illness

  2.    Being healthy creates opportunities for people to feel healthy, even when there are many chronic diseases, or terminal conditions,....

  3. ​Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance for both his health status and quality of their life.

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